Posted by
Misty Zakrzewski

Meet Randy Kiyokawa Owner of Kiyokawa Family Orchards

What you do: We grow apples, pears, cherries, peaches, strawberries, plums and a few other crops here in the beautiful Hood River Valley. We sell our apples, peaches, plums and strawberries through our fruit stand, farmers markets, small stores and directly to restaurants. We market most of our pears and cherries through Diamond Fruit Growers, […]

Posted by
Misty Zakrzewski

Willamette Valley Fruit Company

By Misty Zakrzewski Before the Willamette Valley Fruit Company retail store was built in Salem, their customers came knocking on the door of their business office to purchase a pie or request a tour of the facility. The community wanted to be able to buy pies straight from the source, and the Willamette Valley Fruit […]