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Oregon Aglink

Woodburn Nursery & Azaleas

#79 - grafted blue spruce being planted in the field

#79 – grafted blue spruce being planted in the field

#95 - florist quality azaleas being given a final trim before spacing

#95 – florist quality azaleas being given a final trim before spacing

#103 – azalea tree liners are braided. The plant will take another 18 months to finish

#103 – azalea tree liners are braided. The plant will take another 18 months to finish

#106 – different trimming machine, same as #95

#106 – different trimming machine, same as #95

#107 – florist azalea are pulled from the forcing houses and taken to the packing area

#107 – florist azalea are pulled from the forcing houses and taken to the packing area

Newpnp(2) – newest pot-in-pot area is completed and filled with #6 boxwood

Newpnp(2) – newest pot-in-pot area is completed and filled with #6 boxwood

PinePlant2007 – our grower Ron Schmidt is rototilling between rows of a new planting of Vanderwolf Pines

PinePlant2007 – our grower Ron Schmidt is rototilling between rows of a new planting of Vanderwolf Pines

Rough(19) – workers are taking cuttings from salable crop Mt Fire Pieris for future production

Rough(19) – workers are taking cuttings from salable crop Mt Fire Pieris for future production

Spruce planting – same as #79 just a different angle

Spruce planting – same as #79 just a different angle

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